National Parks
- Badiar
- Haut Niger - Kouya Core Area
- Haut Niger - Mafou Core Area
Wildlife Reserves
- Alkatraz
- Blanche
- Cabri
- Corail
- Tristao
Strict Nature Reserves
- Kamalaya (Kounounkan)
- Mount Nimba
Reforestation Areas
- Berekena Foret Classee
- Beyla Foret Classee
- Bomboli Foret Classee
- Guekedou Foret Classe
- Lac Pita Foret Classee
- Mamou-Labe Foret Classee
- Moffa Foret Classee
- Nzerekore Foret Classee
- Pinede de Dalaba
- Sangaladou Foret Classee
Buffer Zone
Other Protected Areas
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
- Ile Alcatraz
- Ile Blanche
- Iles Tristao
- Konkouré
- Niger Source
- Niger-Mafou
- Niger-Niandan-Milo
- Niger-Tinkisso
- Rio Kapatchez
- Rio Pongo
- Sankarani-Fié
- Tinkisso
World Heritage Convention
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
- Badiar
- Haut Niger
- Massif du Ziama
- Monts Nimba
Cloud Forest Site
Protected Areas in Guinea
Existing legislation providing for protected areas is given in Ordonnance No. 007/PRG/SGG/90 of 15 February 1990 concerning the protection of fauna and hunting regulations (portant code de la protection de la faune sauvage et réglementation de la chasse). This provides for the designation of national parks, strict nature reserves, managed nature reserves, special reserves or faunal sanctuaries, sport hunting zones and hunting zones.
Legislation providing for the administration of protected areas is given in Decree No. 008/PRG/ of 19 March 1987, which provides for the establishment of the National Department of the Environment (Direction Nationale de l'Environnement).
Source: World Database on Protected Areas, UNEP-WCMC