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Aberdare National Park

Protected Area

Approaching map
  • Park Authority: Kenya Wildlife Service
  • Headquarters: PO Box 40241 Nairobi, Kenya
  • Park Headquarters: PO Box 22 Nyeri, Kenya
  • Area: 767 km2
  • Towns: Nyeri
  • Established in: May 1950
  • Further information: www.kws.org

Aberdare National Park

Aberdare National Park On behalf of the government and people of Kenya, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) welcomes you to Aberdare National Park, one of our nation's most famous and beautiful national parks.
Our sphere of protection is wide, extending to over 50 national parks and reserves within more than 10 million acres of Earth's most precious yet fragile biological assets. Committed to ensuring biological balance and financial self-sufficiency within this protected domain, we also strive to offer an ever-expanding range of tourism options for the enjoyment of our visitors.
We thank you for your support and we encourage you to explore Kenya's other parks and reserves which span a diversity of habitats - from coral reefs and vast savannahs to snow-capped peaks - to offer a kaleidoscopic range of wildlife. Visit them again and again as you join us in protecting our natural, national treasures.
We wish you the safari of a lifetime!

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Karuru waterfall


It lies 180 km from Nairobi, in the central highlands west of Mt. Kenya; Central Province, at 1,829-4,001 meters above sea level.


Cool and misty. Year round rains average 1,000 mm on the drier northwestern slopes and up to 3,000 mm in the southwest.

When to go

All year round. 4WD vehicles are best as roads can rapidly become inaccessible during the frequent heavy rains.

Peaks and Moorlands

The 70 km long Aberdare range is a narrow massif stretching from north to south, with its southern end just 80 km north of Nairobi.
The moorlands comprise undulating hills, bogs, clear mountain streams, numerous waterfalls and magnificent views occurring between the highest peaks of the Aberdare mountain range: Oldonyo Lesatima (4,001 m) to the north and ll Kinangop (3,906 m) to the south. Other notable peaks are Chebuswa (3,364 m), Table Mountain (3,791 m), Rurimeria (3,860 m), Maratini (3,698 m) and The Elephant Hill (3, 590 m).

Spectacular Waterfalls

The Park is renowned for its torrential waterfalls plunging from cloud-shrouded heights to spray-filled ravines.
Gura Waterfall, which cascades 300 m into an impenetrable ravine, is the most precipitous fall in Kenya while Karuru Falls is the longest (273 m), occurring in three steps of 117 m, 26 m and 130 m. Chania Falls, Magura Falls and Queen's Cave are also popular sites.