Places to Stay
- Shimba Hills Rainforest Lodge
Romantic and comfortable!
Self-catering Facilities
- Sable Bandas
Just 3 km from main gate, this facility offers magnificent views plus a choice of four units with two single beds each with nets, kerosene lamps, bathroom (towels, cold shower and WC) and covered veranda with dining area. A caretaker and equipped communal kitchen with gas stoves and BBQ areas are included.
Bookings through the Warden or KWS Headquarters in Nairobi.
- Camping
Near Sable Bandas are extensive forested camping areas with excellent views and pit latrine only (no water).
- Special (private) campsites
Including Hunters' Camp, "special" campsites may be booked on a private basis via the Warden or KWS HQ. These sites offer grassy areas for your tents plus magnificent views, water, latrines and a seating area.
Basic accommodation is also available in the nearby town of Kwale. |