Marine Parks
Nature Parks
- Parc Naturel d'Anjouan
- Parc Naturel de Grande Comore
Marine Reserves
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
Protected Areas in the Comoros
The Government of the Comoros has engaged for years in projects aimed at the promotion of a sustainable management of the environment, often forgetting the fixed goals once the deadline of the project was achieved. Considering these experiences, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has adopted, within a project called "Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in the Comoros", a different approach: instead of working without setting up real relationships with the local communities, whose collaboration is essential to achieve a long-term success, UNDP has worked close to the local villages, trying to make people understand the importance of their involvement in the management of natural resources.
Mohéli Marine Park was established on 19th April 2001, as a pilot project within which the collaboration approach between the Government of the Comoros and the local population could be experimented, involving 10 communities living in the Park surroundings.
Source: Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement; UNEP-WCMC database