National Parks
- Canaries
- Grand Anse
- Point Sable
- Qualibou
Nature Reserves
- Anse La Chaloupe
- Barrel O' Beef Rock
- Bigorneau Rocks
- Dennery Island
- Des Bateaux Rocks
- Four Islands
- Fregate Islands
- L'Islet Island
- Maria Islands
- Povert Island
- Roche Island
- Roseau Wetlands
- Union
Forest Reserves
- Addition to Central FoR "B"
- Barre-de-L'Isle North
- Barre-de-L'Isle South
- Castries Waterworks
- Central "A"
- Central "B"
- Crown Estate Pelouze
- Dennery Ridge
- Dennery Waterworks
- Fond Estate acquisition
- Forestiere
- La Tourney Wetland
- Marquis Estate Parcel M-1
- Marquis Estate Parcel M-2
- Marquis Estate Parcel M-3-6
- Marquis Estate Parcel M-4-6
- Quilesse
- Roseau Dam
- Saltibus Grand Magazin
Marine Reserves
- Anse Chastanet Reefs
- Anse Cochon artificial reef
- Anse Galet-Anse Cochon reefs
- Anse L'Ivrogne Reef
- Anse Mamin Reef
- Anse Pointe Sable-Man Kote Mangroves
- Bois D'Orange Mangroves
- Caesar Point to Mathurin Point reefs
- Cas-en-Bas Mangroves
- Choc Bay Artificial Reef
- Choc Bay Mangroves
- Esperance Harbour Mangroves
- Fond D'Or Beach
- Grand Anse Beach and Mangrove
- Louvet Mangroves
- Maria Islet Reef
- Marigot Bay Mangroves
- Marquis Mangroves
- Moule-a-Chique artificial reef
- Praslin Mangroves
- Reef at Anse de Pitons
- Reef at Malgrétoute
- Reef Between Grand Caille and
- Rachette Point
- Rodney Bay Artificial Reefs
- Savannes Bay Mangrove Area
- Vigie Beach Artificial Reef
Historic Sites
- Choc
- Fond d'Or
- Morne du Don
- Morne Fortune Historic Area
- Paix Bouche
- Pigeon Island National Landmark
- Tapion
- Vigie
Protected Landscapes
- Anse Ger
- Esperance
- Praslin Protected Landscape
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
- Mankoté Mangrove
- Savannes Bay
World Heritage Convention
Protected Areas in Saint Lucia
According to the data of the World Database on Protected Areas, the Protected Areas in Saint Lucia include National Parks, Nature Reserves, Forest Reserves, Marine Reserves and other Reserves, Historic Sites, Protected Landscapes, Sanctuaries and Wetlands.
Moreover, Mankoté Mangrove and Savannes Bay have been declared Wetlands of International Importance, and Pitons Management Area is a World Heritage Site.
Source: WCPA