Nature Reserves
- Aeulehag
- Au
- Birka
- Gampriner Seelein
- Heilos
- Ruggeller Riet
- Schneckenaeule
- Schwabbrunnen - Aescher
- Wisanels
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
Other Protected Areas
- Pflanzenschutzgebiet (Gebirgsflora)
Protected Areas in Lichtenstein
The authority responsible for the administration and management of protected areas is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Environment. Nature conservation efforts have been concentrated mainly on the Rhine Valley area. It is here that the greatest conflicts arise with commercial development. Conservationists have been seeking the establishment of a national park, or a large nature reserve, for many years. In 1989, Liechtenstein declared a floral mountain protection area of 6,000 ha (37.5% of the total land area) and proposed another, Garselli-Zigerberg (Alpengebiet, 950 ha, that is the 5.9% of the total land area). Other protected areas include nine small nature reserves covering about 1% of the total land area.
Sources: World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), Portal of the Principality of Liechtenstein