Nature Parks
- Haute-Sure (www)
- Parc Germano-Luxembourgeois (Our) (www)
- Trois Frontières
Forest Reserves
- Bamboesch
- Beaufort-Hallerbaach, Haupeschbaach
- Beaufort-Sauerrecht, Birkbaach
- Berdorf/Consdorf/Echternach
- Berwenkel
- Brillsbierg, Routschlaed, Routechebur, Steng.
- Burden-Scharflay
- Buurgknapp
- Dirbech
- Echternach/Girst
- Flaxweiler-Widdebierg
- Griterboesch
- Hautcharage-Griechten
- Heinerscheid-Zogel
- Howelekslach
- In Wann
- Kirchebierg
- Kuelescht, Huelebierg
- Lac de la Haute-Sûre / Bavigne-kircheberg
- Lac de la Haute-Sûre / Insenborn-Buurgknapp
- Lac de la Haute-Sûre / Kaundorf-Hocksschleid
- Lac de la Haute-Sûre / Mecher-Schlaedchen
- Lac de la Haute-Sûre / Neunhausen-Ningserboesch
- Lellingen-freng / Baerel
- Leweschtaschlaedchen, Huscht
- Lintgen-Laaschenterboesch
- Mamer-Kielbach
- Manternacher Fiels
- Mertert-Manternach
- Nommerlayen
- Plateau de Berdorf
- Schengen-Strombierg
- Schoenfels-Mamerlayen
- Strombierg
- Wahlhausen-Akeschterbaach
Diverse Nature Reserves
- Basbellain-Schucklai
- Bettendorf-Bettendorferbierg
- Bissen-Laaschtert
- Bourscheid/Moulin Uerbesbierg
- Dondelange-Telpeschholz
- Dudelange-Haardt
- Geyershaff-Geyersknapp
- Gilsdorf-Carrieres de Gilsdorf
- Graulinster-Marscherwald
- Haard-Hesselsbierg-Staebierg
- Hemstaler Dael
- Heinerscheid-Groussenaul
- Helmsange-Haedchen
- Hollenfels-Mandelbaach
- Imbringen-Amberkneppchen
- Koedange-Reimeschbierg
- Meysembourg-Environs du château
- Petange-Prenzebierg
- Reichlange-Leibierg
- Reisdorf-Wangerten
- Rosport-Hild
- Steinfort-
- Schwaarzenhaff/Jongeboesch
- Um Bierg
- Wiltz-vallee De L'our
- Am Bauch
- Birelergronn
- Boufferdanger Muer
- Brill
- Dreckswis
- Ellergronn
- Fensterdall
- Haff Réimech
- Léi
- Linger Wiesen
- Ramescher
- Roeserbann
- Stréissel
Protected Areas in Luxembourg
The major government document, which provides the basis for the protection of areas is the Partial Development Plan Concerning the Natural Environment (Plan d'aménagement partiel concernant l'environnement naturel). Although there is considerable legislation concerning nature conservation and protected areas in general, there are remarkably few sites which currently have any form of legal protection.
The authorities responsible for the administration and management of the proposed protected areas are specified under the 1982 Law concerning the protection of nature and natural resources. The Ministry of Planning and the Environment (Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement) is responsible for the initial stages in the designation of sites, in consultation with the local authorities.
Parc naturel (Natural park): A region or part of a region designated to protect the character, beauty and diversity of the countryside, its cultural and/or scientific value, its flora and fauna, the purity of the air and water, and to favour leisure and tourism.
Réserve naturelle (Natural reserve): A protected area, where elements of the natural environment, including the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the characters of soil and vegetation, are to be conserved.
Other designations are: Wetlands, Zone de protection à vocation récréative (Protected recreational area), Zone verte interurbaine protégée (Interurban protected green zone), Réserve forestière (Forest reserve), Site et monument naturel (Site and natural monument), Paysage protégée (Protected landscape), Surface forestière d'un intérêt particulier et massif forestier (Forested area of particular interest and plateau forest) and Réserve naturelle diverse (Diverse natural or nature reserve).
Sources: Ministère de l'Environnement, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre