National Parks
National Nature Reserve
Wildlife Reserve
- Gadabedji
- Tamou
- Termit massif
Partial Wildlife Reserve
Strict Nature Reserve
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
- Complexe Kokorou-Namga
- Dallol Bosso
- Dallol Maouri
- Lac Tchad
- Parc national du W
- Zone humide du moyen Niger
- Zone humide du moyen Niger II
World Heritage Convention
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
Protected Areas in Niger The protected areas system currently includes six reserves, which cover over 6.6% of the country. "W" National Park was originally established as a "parc de refuge" in 1937. It was classified as a total wildlife reserve in 1953, and in 1954 was redefined by decree as a national park. Gadabeji Total Wildlife Reserve and Classified Forest, created in 1955 for the conservation of scimitar horned oryx (now extinct in the country) and gazelle, is the only reserve in Niger within the Sahel-Saharan zone. Tamou Total Wildlife Reserve was established in 1962, to form a buffer zone for "W" reserve. Dosso Reserve was created at the same time. Aïr and Ténéré National Nature Reserve, and a core zone, Addax Sanctuary Strict Nature Reserve, were established in 1988, covering semi-desert and desert vegetation. Covering 77,360 sq. km, Aïr and Ténéré National Nature Reserve is the largest protected area in Africa under active management, and is thus far the most important in the Sahel zone.