National Parks
- Bismarck-Ramu ICAD Area
- Embi Lakes
- Jimi Valley
- Kokoda Trail National Park
- Lake Dakataua
- Lake Hargy
- McAdams
- Mt Bosavi
- Mt Giluwe
- Mt Karimui
- Mt Wilhelm
- Mt. Bosavi
- Mt. Wilhelm
- Varirata
- Waigani
Provincial Parks
- Afore Lakes
- Huon Peninsula NP
- Idlers Bay
- Kinikini
- Labu
- Lorko National Park
- Mt Kemenagi
- Nanuk Island Park
- Talele Islands Nature Reserve and Provincial Park
Recreation Parks
Wildlife Provincial Parks
- Cape Wom International Memorial Park
Nature Reserves
Historic Reserves
Hunting Reserves
Recreational Reserves
Wildlife Reserves
Protected Areas in Papua New Guinea
According to the data provided by the World Database on Protected Areas, in Papua New Guinea there are 15 National Parks, 9 Provincial Parks, one Recreation Park, one Wildlife Provincial Park, one Park, one Nature Reserve, one Historical Reserve, one Hunting Reserve, one Recreational Reserve, one Wildlife Reserve, one Reserve, and other protected areas like Sanctuaries, Marine Parks and Protected Areas, etc.
Source: World Database on Protected Areas (WCPA)