Protected Areas
- Al Thakhera
- Khor Al Udeid Fish Sanctuary
- Plants Protected Area
- Ras Hicharige Protetced Area
- Umm Al Hawaya Gazelle Conservation Farm
- Umm Alhol
Breeding Stations
- Al Masshabiyah Oryx Conservation Area
- Al Shahaniyah Park
- Ras Ushairij Gazelle Conservation Park
Private Ranches
- Al Ma'iz Rabb al-Wakir
- Al Wabra
- Ra's Ashir Jim
- Sulaymi
- Tarafiyah
- Umm Salal Muhamad
Protected Areas in Qatar
According to the World Database on Protected Areas, in Qatar there are 6 Protected Areas, 3 Breeding Stations, and 6 Private Ranches.
The Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Sanctuaries
The Council undertakes all environment protection responsibilities including the augmentation and protection of the endangered wildlife and its natural habitat; formulation of the general policies aiming to protect the environment and realize sustainable development; drawing up work plans to implement such policies; monitoring the current environment and wildlife-related protective measures and practices; preparing the necessary drafts of legislation, regulations and decisions on the protection of the environment and establishing national environmental data base, alongside with other environment protection-related functions.
Source: World Database on Protected Areas (WCPA); Ministry of Foreign Affairs