National Parks
- Angole Farbiddu
- Awdhegle-Gandershe
- Daalo Forest
- Gaan Libaah
- Gezira Lagoon
- Har Yiblane
- Jowhar-Warshek
- Lag Badana-Bushbush
- Lag Dere
- Las Anod-Taleh-El Chebet
- Rus Guba
Nature Reserves
- Alifuuto (Arbowerow)
- Balcad
- Samalaeulu Indigenous Forest Reserve
Game Reserves
- Bushbush
- Geedkabehleh
- Mandera
- Mogadishu
Forest Reserves
Partial Game Reserves
- Belet Wein
- Bulo Burti
- Jowhar
- Oddur
Wildlife Reserves
- Boja Swamps
- Eji-Oobale
- El Hammure
- Far Libah
- Far Wamo
- Haradere-Awale Rugno
- Harqan Dalandoole
- Hobyo
- Ras Hajun
- Zeila
Controlled Hunting Areas
- Borama District
- Bushbush
- Juba Left
Protected Areas in Somalia Falling within the Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range are two organisations responsible for terrestrial environmental matters: the Central Rangelands Development Project (CRDP) which has jurisdiction in the central region of the country, and the National Range Agency (NRA) which is responsible for the southern and northern regions. The NRA, established in 1976 as part of the Drought Rehabilitation Programme, is responsible for the conservation and development of range, forest and wildlife resources in the best interests of the Somalian people.
The need for new and comprehensive legislation covering all aspects of forestry and wildlife management has been recognised for some time by authorities of the National Range Agency. Present legislation is obsolete, does not cater for the establishment of national parks, and enforcement is either inadequate or non-existent in preventing the over-utilisation of Somalia's natural resources.
At an international level, Somalia is not party to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention), nor the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention), and does not participate in the Unesco Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.
Sources: UNEP-WCMC; WCPA World Database on Protected Areas