Parks, Reserves, and Other Protected Areas in |
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Protected Areas in Uruguay
Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente of Uruguay is in charge of the elaboration, implementation, supervision, and evaluation of the National Plans for the Protection of the Environment; moreover, it influences the National Policy in the field, trying to combine the need of environmental protection with a sustainable development. División Áreas Naturales Protegidas
The tasks of División Áreas Naturales Protegidas are:
- implementing the Protected Areas National System according to what established by Act Nº 17.234 and by its subsequent Decree;
- suggesting measures to enforce Art. 22 of the General Environment Act, Nº 17.238;
- coordinating at a national level the Convention on Biological Diversity of the United Nations, approved by Act Nº 16.408 of 27th August 1993.
División Áreas Naturales Protegidas is formed by two sections: Departamento de Gestión de Áreas Naturales Protegidas Continentales, focusing its activities on areas lying in the hinterland, and Departamento de Gestión de Áreas Naturales Protegidas Costeras y Marinas, focusing its actions on coastal, island, and marine areas.
Project Aimed at Strengthening the Implementation of the Protected Areas National System of Uruguay (URU/05/001)
Although in Uruguay there are protected areas, they are not articulated into a National System ensuring an adequate conservation of the biodiversity aiming at a sustainable development from an environmental, social, and economic point of view. As a consequence, the general aim of Proyecto Fortalecimiento del Proceso de Implementación del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas de Uruguay (still under study) is contributing to preserve the biodiversity and natural heritage of the Country through sustainable development.
Source: Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente
National Parks
- Parque Nacional F. D. Roosevelt
Other Protected Areas
- Islas fiscales Río Santa Lucía
Cerro Largo
Other Protected Areas
- Área Protegida Laguna Merin
National Parks
- Parque Nacional Isla San Gabriel
Forest Parks
National Parks
- Parque Nacional Lacustre y Area de uso Múltiple Laguna de José Ignacio, Garzón y Rocha
Protected Landscapes
- Paisaje protegido Laguna del Sauce
Other Protected Areas
- Área Protegida Laguna Garzón
- Bañados del Arroyo Maldonado Cañada del Molino, C de la Aguada, Laguna del Sauce, Arroyo Potrero, Laguna del Diario, IslaGorriti, Playas y costas y Areqa Pública de Punta Ballena
National Reserves
- Reserva Nacional de la República Isla de las Gaviotas
Protected Landscapes
- Laguna Bosque Paisaje Protegido zona rural de Montevideo
National Parks
- Monumento Histórico Meseta de Artigas
Ecological Reserves
- Rincón ed Pérez - Queguay
Historical Monuments
- Monumento Histórico Meseta de Artigas
Río Negro
National Parks
- Bosque Nacional del río Negro
Other Protected Areas
National Parks
- Monumento Histórico y Parque Nacional Fortaleza de Santa Teresa
- Monumento Histórico y Parque Nacional Fuerte San Miguel
- Parque Nacional Lacustre y Area de uso Múltiple Laguna de José Ignacio, Garzón y Rocha
- Parque Nacional y Reserva de Fauna y Flora El Potrerillo de Santa Teresa
- Pública Humedal, bosque implantado Parque Andresito
Wildlife and Floral Reserves
- Parque Nacional y Reserva de Fauna y Flora El Potrerillo de Santa Teresa
Forest Reserves
- Reserva Forestal Cabo Polonio y Aguas Dulces
Natural Monuments
- Monumento Natural de dunas del Cabo Polonio
- Monumento Natural de Costa Atlántica (26Km)
Wildlife Sanctuaries
- Refugio de Fauna Laguna de Castillos
Historical Monuments
- Monumento Histórico y Parque Nacional Fortaleza de Santa Teresa
- Monumento Histórico y Parque Nacional Fuerte San Miguel
Other Protected Areas
- Área Protegida Laguna de Castillos
- Área Protegida Laguna de Rocha
- Área Protegida Laguna Garzón
- Área Protegida Laguna Merin
- Área Protegida Laguna Negra
- Área Ramsar (bañados del este y Faja Costera)
- Reserva de Biosfera
San José
Ecological Beaches
Other Protected Areas
National Parks
- Bosque Nacional del río Negro
- Grito de ascencio
- Parque Nacional J. A. Lavalleja
Treinta y Tres
Protected Landscapes (proposed)
- Área Natural Protegida Quebrada de los Cuervos
Other Protected Areas
- Área Protegida Laguna Merin