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Durmitor National Park

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International Cooperation

Visiting Dolomiti Bellunesi NP
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Visiting Dolomiti Bellunesi NP
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Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park is carrying out, together with UNESCO and Regione del Veneto an international cooperation project in favor of Durmitor National Park, in the Balkan Republic of Montenegro.

The project is financed by International Relations, International Cooperation, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Office of Regione del Veneto and Dolomiti National Park itself.
The cooperation activity aims at strengthening the institutional activities of Durmitor Park and at promoting compatible social and economic activities.

The project, also involving UNESCO AND onlus I.R.A.S.D.I. (Italian Research Association for Sustainable Development Initiatives), consists of an initial stage of institutional strengthening of Durmitor National Park through an exchange of experiences with Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, having similar features and extension.
Moreover, the project will also deal with activities promoting the social and economic development of the area involving local women Association from the Municipality of Zabljiac (who will devote themselves to dressmaking activities), support to microcredit activities, innovation through the use of new technologies in the fields of tourism and agriculture.

Further info (Italian text)

Visiting Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park

A Delegation from Durmitor National Park Visits Dolomiti Bellunesi

At the beginning of September 2007, a delegation from Durmitor National Park visited Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park.

The initiative was organized within the international cooperation project involving the two National Parks, Regione Veneto, and UNESCO and aimed at presenting to the administrators and technicians from Montenegro the planning instruments adopted by the Italian Park, as well as the implemented activities.