
Area Marina Protetta Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre

Products: Wine


The traditional local dishes consist of fish, meat, and sweets, accompanied by fine wines. Some dishes can be traced back to the most ancient civilizations.
Among the funerary stelae of Tharros, one reminds a wine grower or vine dresser, therefore also the vine has very ancient traditions in Sinis, where it was probably cultivated in the lands which were not suitable for wheat.

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Found 2 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
Wine obtained from the harmonious blending of autochthonous red grapes "Nieddera and Cannonau", after a soft pressing of the partially fermented vinasse with interruption of maceration at the right color point.
Category: Wine
Together with the other local products of Cabras, it represents one of the best synthesis between the nature and culture of the land, where the wise management of the resources reaches high levels. Vernaccia grapes ripen between August and September,...
Category: Wine
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