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    Giudicarie and Val Rendena Cold Cuts (PR Adamello Brenta) (photo by PR Adamello Brenta)


150 Products. Results from no. 121 to no. 140 (Sorting: Category > Product)


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Quality Brands

Capocollo, which has in Calabria also a PDO version, is a cold cut made with loin or pork shoulder. ... >>
(PN Aspromonte)
Cold Cuts
Production features: It is obtained from the pork neck, which represents the exclusive cut to prepar... >>
(PN Pollino)
Cold Cuts
Cooked hamCooked ham
It is a delicacy produced following a recipe that is over a hundred years old, belonging to the hist... >>
(PR Beigua)
Cold Cuts
  Cured SausageCured Sausage
Production features: It is produced with top-quality meat (shoulder and scraps of seasoned pork shou... >>
(PN Pollino)
Cold Cuts
   Fresh Sausage
Production features: It is produced with top-quality meat (shoulder and scraps of seasoned pork sho... >>
(PN Pollino)
Cold Cuts
Slow Food Presidium
Gioi BrawnGioi Brawn
The historical information on Gioi brawn date back to 1835, as demonstrated by Compendio di Agricolt... >>
(PN Cilento)
Cold Cuts
  Giudicarie and Val Rendena Cold CutsGiudicarie and Val Rendena Cold Cuts
During the winter, the inhabitants of Strembo and Caderzone used to move to the plain, looking for j... >>
(PR Adamello Brenta)
Cold Cuts
Production features: After being cold-trimmed and prepared, the pig leg is cured (with coarse salt) ... >>
(PN Pollino)
Cold Cuts
  Lard from the Pig&#39;s Cheek (Guanciale)Lard from the Pig's Cheek (Guanciale)
Production features: The pig's cheek is first of all isolated, and then squared off. It is left stan... >>
(PN Pollino)
Cold Cuts
Lard PatéLard Paté
This fresh delicacy derives from the processing of pig lard, which is cut into pieces and minced, th... >>
(PR Beigua)
Cold Cuts
  Ossola Valley Cold CutsOssola Valley Cold Cuts
Ossola Valley cold cuts maintain in their meat a great richness of perfumes and tastes linked to the... >>
(PN Val Grande)
Cold Cuts
Sassello Cooked and Raw SalamiSassello Cooked and Raw Salami
Both cooked and raw salami are cold meats prepared by hand according to the traditional recipe of th... >>
(PR Beigua)
Cold Cuts
History: Settembrino is a product linked to the tradition of Latronico (PZ), where it was mainly eat... >>
(PN Pollino)
Cold Cuts
Production features: It is produced using the finest cuts and adding salt, black and white pepper. O... >>
(PN Pollino)
Cold Cuts
Testa in cassetta (minced pork pressed into a form)Testa in cassetta (minced pork pressed into a form)
This cold meat is prepared following a process that is typical of the hinterland of Genoa and Savona... >>
(PR Beigua)
Cold Cuts
Slow Food Presidium
Vallo di Diano sausage and SoppressataVallo di Diano sausage and Soppressata
The main characteristic of these two products is the long and laborious selection and processing met... >>
(PN Cilento)
Cold Cuts
Vigezzo Valley Local HamVigezzo Valley Local Ham
Vigezzo Valley local ham is characterized by its ancient processing method which originally took pla... >>
(PN Val Grande)
Cold Cuts
   Greco Passito
In the Municipality of Bianco and partly in the Municipality of Casignana, in the province of Reggi... >>
(PN Aspromonte)
 Kerner Wine
In early autumn on the hills of Bleggio the morning sun illuminates rows of white bunches, ready for... >>
(PR Adamello Brenta)
Slow Food Presidium
 Moscato Passito of Saracena
Moscato of Saracena, Slow Food Presidium since 2002, is a sweet nectar obtained from Moscatello, Gua... >>
(PN Pollino)

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