
The Gorges and the Abbey of San Martino in Valle

Sunday 26 May 2024

We will explore the San Martino Gorges, a geological site of the Majella Unesco Geopark, until we reach the Abbey of San Martino in Valle. Brought to life due an archaeological excavation, the Benedictine abbey keeps its ancient charm and spiritual aura, that we will perceive as we cross the threshold of the gate for the guided tour.

This place is set in a unique natural context, characterised by high cliffs, and is home to the Apennine chamois, known by its nickname: "the lord of the rocks".

Further information

Town: Fara San Martino (CH)
Province: Chieti Region: Abruzzo
The Gorges and the Abbey of San Martino in Valle
Where to sleep in:
Fara San Martino
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