
Parco del Lago Trasimeno


Products: Oil

The Ways of Taste
Local products are deeply linked to the local characteristic environmental features, that is the lake and the countryside. Trasimeno Lake offers a great quantity of fish with tasty and delicate flesh: perch, tench, carp, pike, and eel. With it, delicious dishes are prepared according to centuries-old traditional recipes. The best dish is the so-called "tegamaccio", a soup flavored with some fish and served in terracotta pots. Another delicious dish is "regina (carp) in porchetta", but we should also mention fried and marinated sandsmelts, soup with carp eggs, gnocchi with pike sauce, risotti, and stuffed tench. The countryside offers a wide range of products going from legumes to fruits - characteristic products are fagiolina (blackeyed pea) and camette (greens).

Organic Farming
On the lake shores, organic farming has started experimental vegetable gardens for the enhancement of the biodiversity of the species of agricultural interest. Local vegetable varieties have therefore developed. Among them: broad bean, black-eyed bean, chick-pea, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, tomato, sweet pepper, salad, cabbage, chard, spinach, onion, basil, parsley, and chickling.

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Besides the production of extra-virgin olive oil on Polvese Island - in an olive grove covering 40 ha where all the processing stages, from harvesting to milling, are strictly carried out with traditional methods - the hilly landscape surrounding Trasimeno...
Category: Oil
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