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Rice Pasta and Cereals


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It is a rural cultivation able to provide constant productions also in marginal agricultural environments, like many inland and piedmont areas of Abruzzi. After a period during which it was threatened with extinction - a fate shared by other minor species - the interest for spelt aroused again in the latest decades and led to the disappearance of several autochthonous material that has been replaced with spelt coming from other Italian regions (Garfagnana) or from abroad (Swiss or German spelt). As a matter of fact, many farmers, aiming at diversifying their production without carrying out researches on the spot, began to cultivate non-identified material. Fortunately, some autochthonous varieties of Abruzzi have been singled out and reproduced: they are sold now in grains, as flour, and as pasta.

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PN Maiella

Further Categories
of Products in the Park:

Fruit, Oil, Vegetables and Legumes, Rice Pasta and Cereals

List of the Producers: