The portal about parks in Italy


White Pizza

PAT - Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs   

White Pizza
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White pizza boasts a long tradition: it dates back to the time when bread was prepared at home. As a matter of fact, it is obtained from the same dough. Before baking bread, when the walls of the oven were very hot, embers were taken out and, after cleaning the oven top, pizzas were directly put on it. Traces of embers and ash remained on the bottom of the pizza. It is flat and prepared with superfine flour, water, leaven, extra-virgin olive oil, and salt. The dough is left rising at room temperature and kneaded by hand. At the end of the cooking - at a temperature of 260-270°C for a few minutes - white pizza is sprinkled with extra-virgin olive oil.

Logo PR Monti Simbruini
PR Monti Simbruini

Further Categories
of Products in the Park:

Sweets, Cheese, Honey, Oil, Vegetables and Legumes, Bread, Autochthonous Breed and Meat, Rice Pasta and Cereals, Cold Cuts

List of the Producers: