The portal about parks in Italy

Cold Cuts

Sausage in Oil

PAT - Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs   

Sausage in Oil
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Sausage is an ancient charcuterie, maybe the most ancient one, dating back to the Roman period. The first historical quotations date back to Marrone, who ascribed this meat processing practice to Lucani, to the extent that the Latin name of this sausage is lucanica.

Further information

Logo PN Gran Sasso
PN Gran Sasso
(Marche, Abruzzo, Lazio)

Further Categories
of Products in the Park:

Preserves, Sweets, Fresh Herbs, Cheese, Fruit, Liquors and Distilled beverages, Honey, Oil, Vegetables and Legumes, Autochthonous Breed and Meat, Rice Pasta and Cereals, Cold Cuts, Truffles, Wine, Further Products

List of the Producers: