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Found 303 photos. Results from 221 to 240

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Kentish plover
Kentish plover
(PR Delta Po ER)
(PR Delta Po ER)
Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
(PR Delta Po ER)
Comacchio Valleys
Comacchio Valleys
(PR Delta Po ER)
Ca' Pisani Valley
Ca' Pisani Valley
(PR Delta Po ER)
Ca' Mello Valley
Ca' Mello Valley
(PR Delta Po ER)
Bagliona Valley
Bagliona Valley
(PR Delta Po ER)
Po Delta
Po Delta
(PR Delta Po ER)
Slender-billed gull
Slender-billed gull
(PR Delta Po ER)
Sandwich tern
Sandwich tern
(PR Delta Po ER)
Gull-billed tern
Gull-billed tern
(PR Delta Po ER)
Mediterranean gull
Mediterranean gull
(PR Delta Po ER)
Pied avocet
Pied avocet
(PR Delta Po ER)
Sacca di Scardovari
Sacca di Scardovari
(PR Delta Po ER)
Sunset with the Little Egrets
Sunset with the Little Egrets
(PR Delta Po ER)
Hike in the park
Hike in the park
(PR Delta Po ER)
Museum of the Argenta Valleys, first floor
Museum of the Argenta Valleys, first floor
(PR Delta Po ER)
Nature Museum in Sant'Alberto
Nature Museum in Sant'Alberto
(PR Delta Po ER)
(PR Delta Po ER)
(PR Delta Po ER)

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