
Sito d'Interesse Comunitario Palude di Racchiuso

Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT3320039
Surface Area: 11.53 ha
Provinces: UD
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Eleocharis carniolica (photo by M. Tomasella)
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Gladiolus palustris (photo by M. Tomasella)
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(photo by M. Tomasella)

Hilly wetland with rare floristic presence

The site hosts the best-preserved plant population in North-eastern Italy of the Carniola needle rush (Eleocharis carniolica). This rare species grows in correspondence to wet habitats characterized by bare mud, subject to period movements. This perennial species, which in certain situations has an annual and neo-colonizing behaviour, sometimes forms very dense nuclei. In the area other species of botanical interest could be observed in the hilly context: banewort (Ranunculus flammula), annual cane (Juncus bufonius), bog bulrush (Schoenoplectus mucronatus), Eriophorum latifolium, Cyperus longus and others already listed in European regulations or in the lists of attention drawn up according to the IUCN criteria. The most important areas are the open ones and, to the aforementioned habitats, strips of wet prairie of Molinia caerulea and Filipendula ulmaria are added. There also white hornbeam and oak woods and small strips of marsh ontaneta. As it concerns invertebrate fauna, it is worth noting in particular the presence of a population of Coenonympha oedippus in the above-mentioned wetland areas. In the land there are also the Helix pomatia gastropod and the Heteropterus Morpheus moth. Among other species, we could remark: crested newt (Triturus carnifex), yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata), Italian agile frog (Rana latastei), (Lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis, Ichtyosaura alpestris, Triturus carnifex, Salamandra salamandra, three species of red frogs, Pelophylax lessonae, Pelophylax esculentus) and Hyla intermedia. In the area some saurians and snakes of community interest are also widespread: common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) and Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) while, the wetlands present one of the few populations of European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Julian Prealps. The presence of chiropteran such as soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) and Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteini) is of considerable importance, while leser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) uses some disusued barracks for reproductive purposes, as happens in many rural buildings in the surroundings. It is therefore important to preserve some of these buildings according to their use by bats. Even the European wild cat (Felis silvestris silvestris) reproduces in the area, where it is quite common. The site is therefore important for the conservation of wet muddy habitats capable of hosting the extremely rare Eleocharis carniolica and many amphibians.

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Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT3320039
Surface Area: 11.53 ha
Provinces: UD
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