
Zona di Protezione Speciale Alpi Giulie

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(photo by M. Tomasella)
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Rio Nero (photo by M. Tomasella)
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Cadin (photo by M. Tomasella)

An area of great ornithological importance for extension, habitats and biodiversity

The site includes alpine and pre-alpine mountain systems of extreme floristic and phytogeographic interest (in addition to its numerous endemisms). Here there are the only Italian areas for the Gentiana froelichii, as well as some of the very few Thlaspi minimum., Aurinia petraea, and Saxifraga moschata (carniolica species). Very significant are also the Campanula zoysii, the Eryngium alpinum and the Cypripedium calceolus. The site is characterized by the presence of many habitats, both in the mountains and in the Subalps. The Monte Canin plateau actually presents important epigean and hypogean karst phenomena. It is an alpine and prealpine area of great ornithological importance due to its extension, in relation to the specific variety of the typical biocenosis. The area is characterized by the presence of the Horvath’s rock lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi), the black salamander (Salamandra atra) and the horned viper (Vipera ammodytes), which in these areas coexist with the common European viper and the asp. There are also the Natrix, the Neomys anomalus, the European pine marten (Martes martes), the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), the brown bear (Ursus arctos) and the European lynx (shot taken from camera traps in Val Uccea). In the site, the Erebia calcaria and the Helix pomatia deserve attention, while the Vertigo angustior is mainly present in the upper valley of T. Torre in Vedronza and Zomeais.

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Cod. RN2000: IT3321002
Surface Area: 18'032.72 ha
Provinces: UD
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