
Sito d'Interesse Comunitario Montagne dei Fiori e di Campli e Gole del Salinello

Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT7120213
Surface Area: 4'221.00 ha
Provinces: TE
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Salinello Gorges (photo by Archivio Ente Parco)

Reliefs characterized by a calcareous-silicon-marly sequence of the Meso-Cenozoic mainly consisting of white and red splinters from the late Cretaceous-early Eocene. Species-rich grasslands with showy flowerings and Hop-Hornbeam woodlands. Presence of a deep canyon dug in the calcareous rocks by the river Salinello, between the Fiori Mountain and Campli. Garrigues with Satureja montana. Presence of a cave, which is a religious site.

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Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT7120213
Surface Area: 4'221.00 ha
Provinces: TE
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