
Sito d'Interesse Comunitario Monte Picca - Monte di Roccatagliata

Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT7130024
Surface Area: 1'766.00 ha
Provinces: PE, AQ
nome fotografia1
Apennine Wolf (photo by R. Polini)

Calcareous mountain spur in the Popoli Gorges, with rock walls and valleys. In the site there are reforestation areas with several pines (Aleppo pine, black pines, Scots pine etc.), hop-hornbeams, European hornbeams and beeches, pioneer shrubs with Cercis siliquastrum, Coronilla valentina, etc.

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Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT7130024
Surface Area: 1'766.00 ha
Provinces: PE, AQ
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