
Area protetta regionale Giardini Botanici Hanbury

Thomas Hanbury e il suo giardino (and his garden)

It is a volume mainly dedicated to Thomas Hanbury, running through the main stages of his life. It is the result of a patient reorganization work regarding Hanbury's archive, preserved at the Head Offices of Istituto di Studi Liguri, and of the analysis of the considerable amount of documents belonging to his family.
- Texts in Italian and English.
  • Author/s: Muratorio M. e Kiernam G.
  • Publisher: Tipolitografia S. Giuseppe, Arma di Taggia
  • Year: 1995
  • Text language:
Thomas Hanbury e il suo giardino (and his garden)
Thomas Hanbury e il suo giardino (and his garden)
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