
Books, DVDs, and Gadgets

433 Items. Results from no. 1 to no. 20 (Sorting: Category > Item)


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Item Author/s Publisher Category Price Online
 Special offer for three publications: "I Mammiferi", "I funghi" and "Gli anfibi e i rettili"
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Books and other Publications24.00
20.00 €
Emporio Shopping Cart
 Campanula Elatinoides
A drop of the sea on the Bergamasche Pre-Alps
Author/s: Renato Ferlinghetti
(PR Orobie Bergamasche)
Books and other Publications2.00 €   Skim online through the publicationEmporio Shopping Cart
 Cochlostoma Canestrinii
The mollusc of Presolana
Author/s: Enula Bassanelli
(PR Orobie Bergamasche)
Books and other Publications2.00 €   Skim online through the publicationEmporio Shopping Cart
The preservation of Lombard spontaneous orchids
Author/s: Simon Pierce con Juri Belotti
(PR Orobie Bergamasche)
Books and other Publications5.00 €   Skim online through the publicationItem temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
Val Dossana fields
Author/s: Licia Beretta
(PR Orobie Bergamasche)
Books and other Publications2.00 €   Skim online through the publicationEmporio Shopping Cart
 Atlas of the Birds of Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino
Author/s: Fabio Casale
Publisher: Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino e Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Books and other Publications25.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Fauna T-shirt for children - Parco Ticino Lombardo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Clothes10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Fauna T-shirt for men - Parco Ticino Lombardo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Clothes10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Fauna T-shirt for women - Parco Ticino Lombardo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Clothes10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Flora T-shirt for children - Parco Ticino Lombardo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Clothes10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Flora T-shirt for men - Parco Ticino Lombardo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Clothes10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 La Flora T-shirt for women - Parco Ticino Lombardo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Clothes10.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Yellow or green hat - Parco Ticino Lombardo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Clothes5.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Il patrimonio faunistico del Parco del Ticino negli anni 2000
Author/s: Casale F., Sala D., Bellani A.
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Books and other PublicationsfreeEmporio Shopping Cart
 Brochure La flora e la fauna della Riserva Naturale delle Valli del Mincio
(PR Mincio)
Books and other Publications1.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Brochure La lavorazione della canna e del carice nella Riserva Naturale delle Valli del Mincio
(PR Mincio)
Books and other Publications1.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Destinazione Mincio - Il racconto del fiume
Guidebook to discover the protected area from Garda Lake to Po River
Author/s: S. Accordi, A. Goreri P. Pavesi (Associazione "Per il Parco"), S. Cernuschi (Aster srl)
Publisher: Parco del Mincio
(PR Mincio)
Maps and Guidebooksfree Skim online through the publication 
 Tourist Map Oglio Sud Park
Hikers guide on scale 1:25.000
(PR Oglio Sud)
Maps and Guidebooks1.00 €   Skim online through the publicationEmporio Shopping Cart
 TiJones e la Banda del riso
La seconda, grande avventura per TiJones!!
Series: Fiume Azzurro
Author/s: Paola Gaiani, Bruno Testa
Publisher: Libreria Editrice la Memoria del Mondo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Books and other Publications9.90 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 TiJones e la misteriosa L della Valle del Ticino
Series: Fiume Azzurro
Author/s: Paola Gaiani, Bruno Testa
Publisher: Libreria Editrice la Memoria del Mondo
(PR Ticino lombardo)
Books and other Publications9.90 €  Emporio Shopping Cart

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