
Monumento Naturale Parco della Cellulosa

Identity Card
Surface Area: 100.00 ha
Provinces: RM
Establishment: 2006
nome fotografia1
Cellulosa Park (photo by RomaNatura)

Parco della Cellulosa Natural Monument has been recently established and is situated in the northern section of the city, near quartiere Casalotti. It is characterized by the presence of two areas (former National Authority Cellulose and Paper), connected by the ditch Galeria, of considerable naturalistic and environmental value.
In Parco della Cellulosa there are several timber arboriculture experimental structures and a big collection of Mediterranean species coming from Lazio and Central Italy, dating back to the period of the former Authority.
The autochthonous vegetation is formed by oaks, ilex trees, elms, and shrubby species characteristic of the Mediterranean area. The wildlife includes the hoopoe, the buzzard, the owl and, among the mammals, the fox and the porcupine.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 100.00 ha
Provinces: RM
Establishment: 2006
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