
Parchi della Val di Cornia

Poggio Saracino Itinerary

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Panorama

    The visiting itinerary suggested by Val di Cornia Parks to discover the main aspects of the history and nature of Montioni Park is called "Poggio Saracino Itinerary". The itinerary deals with the traces of the relationship man-nature in history, starting from the settlement of Montioni Nuovo, the heart of the Park, built according to the will of the Princes of Piombino, Felice and Elisa Baciocchi, Napoleone Bonaparte's sister.

    Further information
    Itinerary of Poggio Saracino
    Itinerary of Poggio Saracino
    Books and Guides
    Viaggio in Maremma - Itinerari tra i Parchi della Val di Cornia
    Price: 15.00 €
    Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
    Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
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