
Agnino Bread

Features: baked in wood-burning oven, round, each loaf weighs about 800 grams.
It has a soft crust with a dark hazel color, and is light brown inside.

Ingredients: white flour, a handful of wholemeal flour, water, salt, sourdough starter, and yeast.

Agnino Bread is used during meals. It is excellent with cold cuts and cheese. Among the local cold cuts, besides bologna and salami, we recommend Lunigiana fillet and Filattiera cooked pork shoulder.
Among cheese, caciotta and pecorino of Lunigiana.
All these products are registered in the list of the traditional foodstuffs of Tuscany.
Thinly sliced and toasted, it is ideal for Bigliolo soup with beans.

Agnino bread is produced every day and directly sold in the two bakeries of Agnino. It is also sold in the shops of Fivizzano and Aulla.

How to reach Agnino
Highway A 15 La Spezia - Parma, exit Aulla. Take SS no. 63, direction Fivizzano, follow the road signs to Posara until you find those to Agnino.

Agnino Bread
The Producers
Typology: Bakeries
Locality: Agnino (MS)
Typology: Bakeries
Locality: Agnino (MS)
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