

The Italian protected areas preserve a great heritage of local products, whose safeguard is essential not only to support traditional activities, but also to safeguard biodiversity: in these pages you will find the list of the products provided by Parco dell'Alto Sebino.

Found 14 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
Historical or traditional information: The use of wild berries has always represented a pleasant activity and a meager economic supplementation for the poorest mountain people. Production area: Municipalities of Fonteno, Solto Collina, Riva di Solto,...
Category: Preserves
Local Bakery Products
Tegoline, corn small squares, polentine, spongada dè Solt, checked jam tart, Riva light strudel, lake puffs Historical or traditional information: mainly sweet products created by the skillful local bakers using flour and raw material deriving...
Category: Sweets
Medicinal Plants for Herb Teas and other Uses
Historical or traditional information: Officinal plants, a natural resource that has played for centuries a cultural role surrounded by an aura of mystery, have acquired an increasing importance in the latest years in the economic and productive sectors...
Category: Fresh Herbs
Bossico Formaggella
Historical or traditional information: The transformation of cow's milk has always been a source of richness for the mountain people. This production maintained both the economy and the diet of the local people. Production area: Municipalities of...
Category: Cheese
Local Goat Cheese
Historical or traditional information: In the Province of Bergamo, goat breeding has always had a marginal importance. These animals were bred in places that could not be used for more profitable agricultural activities. Therefore, goats used to exploit...
Category: Cheese
Stracchino of Fonteno Hills
Historical or traditional information: The name of the cheese derives from the fact that it was obtained from the milk of tired (in dialect stracche) cows, recently come down from the summer pastures. Production area: Municipality of Fonteno and surroundings...
Category: Cheese
Chestnuts of Iseo Lake Hill
Historical or traditional information: Chestnut harvesting has always represented a pleasant activity and a meager economic supplementation for the poorest mountain people. Production area: Municipalities of Fonteno, Solto Collina, Riva di Solto, Bossico,...
Category: Fruit
Honey, Pollen, Propolis, and Royal Jelly of Upper Sebino Area
Historical or traditional information: Honey production has very ancient origins and is very important as an environmental presida and for the entomophilous activities it leads to. Production area: Municipalities of Fonteno, Solto Collina, Riva di Solto,...
Category: Honey
Extra-virgin Olive Oil
Historical or traditional information: Olive growing is a traditional activity also along the shores of Sebino Lake in the area of Bergamo, where also the most inaccessible soils house wonderful terraces cultivated with olive trees. Production area:...
Category: Oil
Upper Sebino Oil (Laghi Lombardi PDO)
Historical or traditional information: Olive growing is a traditional activity also along the shores of Sebino Lake in the area of Bergamo, where also the most inaccessible soils house wonderful terraces cultivated with olive trees. Production area:...
Category: Oil
Upper Sebino Fish
Historical or traditional information: Fishing in Iseo Lake has always played an important function both for the local economy and employment. Production area: Shores of the upper lake area, Municipalities of Pisogne, Lovere, Castro, etc. Product features:...
Category: Fish
Spinusa Polenta
Historical or traditional information: It is an autochthonous corn variety, reproduced, cultivated, and preserved for many years by Mr Fermo Saloni in the country hamlet Annunciata of the Municipality of Ossimo (BS), in Valle Camonica. The isolation of...
Category: Rice Pasta and Cereals
Local Traditional Cold Cuts
Salami, cotechino, calf's head, ham, coppa, Montisola salami, mutton sausage Historical or traditional information: Pig butchering has maintained its ritual meaning: as a matter of fact, it represents a moment celebrating abundance and the year-long...
Category: Cold Cuts
Upper Sebino Truffle
Historical or traditional information: The search for truffles is an activity with ancient roots and gave in the past a significant economic support to the local truffle searchers. Production area: Municipalities of Fonteno, Solto Collina, Riva di Solto,...
Category: Truffles
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