It has a color going from green to yellow. Maximum acidity: 0.6%.
Slightly fruity fragrance. Fruity taste with a marked spicy and bitter
- Product Category: Olive oil
- Official Name in G.U. List: Olio Extravergine Dauno DOP
- Production Areas: All
the territory of Foggia but, according to the area and variety
composition, there are 4 different oils: Basso Tavoliere, Gargano, Alto
Tavoliere, Sub Appennino
- Product Tradition: The ancient olive oil
production vocation of the area is witnessed by the term "Daunia", used
by the Romans to refer to the current territory in the Province of
Foggia. From here the origin of the name "Dauno".
- Remarks: The gastronomic combinations are
several and vary according to the kind of oil used. Basso Tavoliere can
be combined with pasta and soups with strong tastes, roasts, and cooked
vegetables; Gargano has a more delicate taste and can therefore be
combined with fish, shellfish, or raw vegetables. Alto Tavoliere is
ideal for vegetables dipped in oil with salt and pepper, salads, and
bruschette. Sub Appennino is ideal for refined fried dishes and in