
Parco Naturale Regionale di Bric Tana


Millesimo Truffle

The town of truffles, Millesimo and its surrounding hills are places where the expert truffle searchers, organized in associations, find the precious tuber, both black and white.
The local gastronomy is rich in dishes based on truffle, which has always been the king of the cuisine.

Thanks to the proximity of Millesimo with Piedmont and, above all, to the presence of the raw material throughout the territory, the Municipality is one of the "Towns of Truffles". Once a year, a national event dedicated to black and white truffles is held in Millesimo, thanks to the organization of Comunità Montana Alta Val Bormida, whose institutional headquarters are in town. Thanks to the quality of the soil and the environmental and weather conditions, the quality of the product is close to the truffle of Alba. Therefore, every year in Millesimo, during the last week of September, the "National Festival of the Truffle" is held: two days of thematic meetings and study completed by collateral performances and exhibits.

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