
Parco Naturale Regionale di Bric Tana


Il sistema regionale delle Aree Protette della Liguria

After about fifteen years from the approval of the Regional Law no. 12 of 22nd February 1995 about the reorganization of the protected areas of Liguria, the volume deals with some of the aspects representing the everyday issues of the Park Authorities, with the aim to check how much and how the protected areas have interpreted and put into practice new territorial governance models able to guarantee the safeguard of the natural resources and to meet at the same time the development needs of the local communities that live and work in the most valuable environmental areas of Liguria.
  • Series: Le Aree Naturali Protette, diretta da Renzo Moschini / 18
  • Edited by: Maurizio Burlando
  • Publisher: Edizioni ETS
  • ISBN: 9788846725196
  • Pages: 144
  • Size: 14x21cm
  • Year: 2009
  • Price: 13.00 €  
Il sistema regionale delle Aree Protette della Liguria
Il sistema regionale delle Aree Protette della Liguria
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