The area is divided into different properties and constitutes a Parco Locale di Interesse Sovralocale (that is a Park concerning and extending over many municipalities). It was founded by Regional Council Resolution 7/7574 on the 21st of December 2001: the project provides for both the development of the no longer in use farmhouses and fountains, which are typical features of the Lombard territory, and the improvement of elements of high value such as hedges and arboreal-shrubby areas. It is a 200 hectares wide area situated between the provincial road 103 Cassanese and the state road 11 Padana Superiore, bordering the municipalities of Vimodrone, Cernusco sul Naviglio and Segrate. In the Park area there were many farmhouses: Bareggiate, Chioso, Arzona, Saresina, Vallotta. Today only Saresina and Arzona still live thanks to agricultural and sports activities.