

Environmental Education Programme

The territory of the Colfiorito Park summarizes in itself environmental and cultural historical values. Its Marsh, declared "World Heritage Site" by UNESCO, represents the ideal habitat for numerous species of plants and animals, in particular birds and insects. In addition, this site documents millennia of human history, from archaic castles to Roman finds from Plestia. Its pleasant and harmonious landscape is discovered every year by many individual tourists and groups.
In particular, it is a destination every year for schools of all types and levels to which knowledge of the territory is proposed with direct observation and involvement, through the reflection on natural phenomena and the interaction between man and the environment.

For further information:
Operations Office: Corso Cavour, 137 - 06034 Foligno (PG) Ph. +39 0742/350129 - +39 0742/342184 
Park Headquarters: Via della Rinascita (former Casermette) 06034 Colfiorito (PG) Ph. and Fax. +39 0742/681011 - E-mail: - Website:

Recently, the new Regulation has been approved, defining the rules and criteria for the operation of the Environmental Education Center (C.E.A.) of the Colfiorito Park.

The Park educational proposal includes:

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Environmental didactics - children at the nursery school
Environmental didactics - children at the nursery school
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