  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 801.95 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 1991
nome fotografia1
Stura di Lanzo, river Po and Turin seen from Superga (photo by Aree protette Po Torinese)

Collina di Superga Park was established in 1991 to safeguard and enhance a territory of great interest for its environmental, architectural, and landscape features that are still well-preserved despite the proximity with the city of Turin. The Park belongs to a system of hills whose morphological variety and position lead to the presence of a rich and interesting floristic heritage, with microthermal species (beech tree, Scotch pine, whitebeam, bilberry) alternating with species of the Mediterranean area (manna ash, service tree, holly, burning bush). The most widespread forest populations are broadleaf mixed woodlands dominated by oaks and chestnut trees, until a few decades ago largely cultivated for timber and fruit. Next to the Panoramic Road of the Hills there are large formations of exotic plants, above all conifers, introduced in the latest decades with reforestation and ornamental purposes. In the cultivated fields and the abandoned vineyards, but also inside the broadleaf woodlands, the robinia is strongly present, and it tends to replace the autochthonous species of the hills. The marginal Park area is characterized by intensive cultivation, while the landscape is dominated by the monumental complex of the Basilica of Superga, masterpiece of the Baroque architecture by F. Juvarra. As far as wildlife is concerned, the situation is similar to Vaj Woodland: large mammals include foxes, badgers, beech martens, least weasels, hedgehogs, squirrels, dormice, wild boars; birds of prey are mostly diurnal, like buzzards, red kites, sparrowhawks, kestrels; noctural species include tawny owls and little owls. Further interesting bird species are woodpeckers (green and red), hoopoes, cirl buntings, and several types of passerines. From a geological perspective, the hills are formed by sedimentary rocks (sandstone, conglomerates and marls, often rich in fossils) which formed on the bottom of the ocean starting from about 40 million years ago, lifted like giant folds by tectonic drives linked to the genesis of the alpine chain.

Collina di Superga Park covers around 750 hectares in the municipalities of Baldissero Torinese, Pino Torinese, San Mauro Torinese and Turin. Collina di Superga is also a Special Area of Conservation. See the map.

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  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 801.95 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 1991
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