In the morning of 30th September 1994, a group of students visiting the
Park discovered by chance the first fossil footprints of Dinosaur of
the Park. They were imprinted on a Dolomitic boulder dating back to the
Triassic period, that is more than 200 million years ago. The Dinosaur
footprints found in the Main Dolomia of the Dolomites open a very
interesting issue, since their discovery demonstrates without a doubt
that the presence of the dinosaurs in the Italian peninsula was not
occasional as it was always thought to be.
This first discovery led to further researches in the territory of the Park, which only confirmed it.
The footprints which have been found in Casera Casavento (which can be
observed on a boulder situated in the nearby stream called Ciol de
Ciasavent), are still the most visited and appreciated.
You will be led along the itinerary by signals and panels.
Brochures-guidebooks are available in the Visitor Centers, in the Information Points, and in the Town of Claut.