
Parco dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi dell'Abbadessa


Park Itineraries

The itineraries are mainly walks and hiking trails throughout the various sections of the park's protected area to admire its main outcrops, often along routes having great historical importance.
In certain cases, mountain bikes or road bikes may be used on the longer routes that are primarily along paved, low traffic roads or dirt roads.
Immersed in the comforting silence of the hills, the park's routes share common features: a level of difficulty that is never too challenging and a wide variety of environments.

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Further information

Park Itineraries
Ciclovie dei Parchi - The Gessi di Gaibola Cycling Route
Ciclovie dei Parchi - The Gessi di Gaibola Cycling Route
Departure: Stazione di San Lazzaro di Savena
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: By bike
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: half day
Interest: Flora, Geology
Nature Trail - I calanchi di Monte Arligo
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist (level)
Duration: 40 m
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Photography
Nature Trail - I calanchi di Sant'Andrea
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 1,5 ore
Interest: Geology, Panorama
Nature Trail - The Croara gypsum outcrops
Nature Trail - The Croara gypsum outcrops
Departure: Area di Sosta La Palazza
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 1,5 hours
Interest: Flora, Geology, Panorama, Photography
Caving excursion in the Spipola Cave
Caving excursion in the Spipola Cave
Departure: Area di sosta La Palazza - via Benassi San Lazzaro di Savena
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 2-3 hours
Interest: Wildlife, Geology, Cave
Nature Trail - Cà de Mandorli
Nature Trail - Cà de Mandorli
Departure: Parcheggio Oasi di Cà de Mandorli
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist (level)
Duration: 40 m
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Geology
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