Cycle Path no. 1 starts at Cormano
Cycle Path no. 1 ends in Lazzate
Length: 25 km
Width: 2.5 meters
Type of flooring: mainly limestone
Average gradient: about 1% circa, basically flat
Towns, villages or areas crossed: Cormano, Novate, Bollate, Garbagnate, Cesate, Solaro, Limbiate, Ceriano, Cogliate, Misinto and Lazzate
The main attractions are:
Users authorised (cyclists, pedestrians, horses, etc - if possible, please provide indicative percentages of actual use - cyclists and pedestrians)
People who use it (cycling tourism, Sunday walks, workers, families): cycling tourism, weekday walks and rides, workers, families, speakers
Services offered along the way to users (water fountains, bicigrill, assistance): a couple of water fountains on the way, assistance and bike rental services at our information and bicycle point (GiraGroane) in Solaro, headquarters area.
Path signposting (please provide information on how the path is marked): by means of a map that can be downloaded from the website or picked up free of charge at our headquarters or at the information point. Vertical signs indicate the locations.