
Parco Naturale dei Lagoni di Mercurago

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(photo by Parchi e Riserve del Lago Maggiore)

A Mosaic of Woodlands, Pastures, and Wetlands

Not very far from the town center of Arona, on the morainic hills surrounding Lago Maggiore on the side of Piedmont, there is a nature area including the peat bogs of Mercurago, some grazing lands dedicated to the breeding of thoroughbred horses, and many woodlands. Prehistoric settlements dating back to the Bronze Age and some Roman domus have been found in the area. This area has been protected since 1980 when, thanks to the citizens' initiative, Lagoni di Mercurago Park was established.

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  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 473.40 ha
Provinces: NO
Establishment: 1980
Mostrate la vostra attività locale ai lettori di
© 2025 - Ente di gestione delle Aree Protette del Ticino e del Lago Maggiore