
Parco del Monte Subasio


IGT Wine

The production of quality wines in Regione Umbria is represented by 6 Typical Geographical Indications (Indicazioni geografiche Tipiche - I.G.T.). Our areas is interested by two IGT called Umbria and Spello.

Abstract from the ministerial decree on the agricultural resources of 18/11/1995 published in the G.U. no. 284 of 5/12/1995.

The Umbria Typical Geographical Indication is reserved to the following wines:

  • white, also sparkling, passito, and new
  • red, also sparkling, passito, and new
  • rosé, also sparkling and new.

White, red, and rosé wines having the Umbria Typical Geographical Indication Label are obtained from grapes coming from vineyards formed by one or more vines produced in the same holding, recommended and/or authorized (fit for cultivation according to the D.G.R. no. 1931/04), for the respective Provinces of Perugia and Terni.
The Umbria Typical Geographical Indication with the specification of one of the vines (allowed the reference to the name of two vines, D.m. 13th August 1997) recommended and/or authorized for the respective Provinces of Perugia and Terni is reserved to wines obtained from grapes coming from vineyards consisting of the corresponding vines for at least the 85%.
The grapes coming from vines of the same color can concur, alone or mixed, to the production of the above-mentioned musts or wines for no more than the 15%, if they are recommended and/or authorized for the respective Provinces of Perugia and Terni.
The wines with the Umbria Typical Geographical Indication Label with the specification of one of the vines mentioned in this article can be also produced in the sparkling typology".

The Producers
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Spello (PG)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Capodacqua di Assisi (PG)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Assisi (PG)
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