
Parco del Monte Subasio


Origine e vicende di un monte Appenninico

First of all, the book considers the human pressure on the mountain and then deals with its naturalistic and geological features.
The volume deals with the lithostratigraphic units of the mountain in chronological order, from the most ancient to the most recent ones, mentioning the most interesting and significant geomorphological examples. The calcareous rocks forming the frame of Mt. Subasio provide information on the environmental features of the ancient sea separating the African continent from the European continent, and have enabled the paleogeographic, biostratigraphic reconstruction and relative dating. The documentation of the area has given the opportunity to analyze the passages from one species to the other and the relative morphological changes. A chapter is dedicated to the collections preserved in the premises of the offices of Monte Subasio Park.
  • Author/s: Prof. Franco Venturi, Prof.ssa Silvia Rossi
  • Publisher: Porzi editore
  • Pages: 112
  • Year: 2003
  • Price: 18.00 €  

Notes: To purchase the book, please contact Gruppo Umbro Mineralogico e Paleontologico E-mail:

Origine e vicende di un monte Appenninico
Origine e vicende di un monte Appenninico
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