
Parco del Monte Subasio



A geological journey in the mountains of the Apennines


General part:
  • Ammonite biostratigraphy, evolution, and general features of the fossil group in the territory of Umbria and the Marches; with particular reference to the Lower Jurassic period. Paleobiogeography of the Mediterranean. In Italian and English
  • Card catalog and intercalated text: 166 color cards of the genera, each with its photos, drawings, diagnosis, and chronological distribution
  • Bibliography: over 200 works quoted.
  • List of the genera and table of contents.
  • The book is completed with 98 photos and 70 drawings
  • The book aims at enhancing the mountains of Umbria and the Marches, as well as the geological museum and lab of Monte Subasio Park, giving an important contribution to the knowledge of this theme. Such knowledge has a European and extra-European value.
  • It aims at being useful to collectors, helping them in the classification of the huge (and still not very known) fossil group and at maintaining the collections in order.
  • It also has an educational purpose dedicated to the local rocks and the outcrop areas. It also aims at maintaining the paleontological heritage, discouraging the alienation of finds.
  • It aims at promoting geological and paleontological itineraries in our mountains, also for school groups, and at providing alternatives to sport and games, favoring the observation of the geological sites and the reflection on the origin of our marine sedimentary rocks dating back to million years ago. The book is rather easy to read.
  • Author/s: Venturi Federico, Rea Giuseppe, Silvestrini Giancarlo, Massimiliano Bilotta
  • Year: 2010

Notes: In order to purchase the volume, please contact Gruppo Umbro Mineralogico e Paleontologico by writing to the e-mail address:

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