
Parco Naturale Regionale Monti Simbruini


The Territory and the Products

In Monti Simbruini Regional Park, the agricultural and breeding activities involve a surface area of about 8,000 ha, approximately equal to the 28% of the whole Park area. Although the statistic data reveal a negative trend in the dynamics of the local people, with a still ongoing exodus towards the nearby town of Rome, the potentialities linked to traditional activities, including agricultural activities, are considerable. Among the most promising "entrepreneurship nests" there are breeding (of cattle, sheep, and horses), cheese making, and the cultivation of characteristic vegetable species like the legumes of the middle valley of Aniene ("fagiolina", "cioncone", Vallepietra bean, and "pallino") and the truffle.
Breeding goes together with a practice that is no longer used: the so-called "pascolatico". In some state-owned grassy areas, the local people can still leave their animals grazing without limits of time, number, and species. The local woodlands are rich in mushrooms and game, while the watercourses house a considerable fish population. Famous are the trout and lampreys fished in the river Aniene in Filettino, Trevi, Jenne, Subiaco, and in river Simbrivio in Vallepietra. All this contributes to characterize the gastronomy tradition of Simbruini Mountains, a fine combination between knowledge and tradition, the everyday efforts and the ability to transform into a tasty dish also the less noble local products.
Water, flour, and passion are the ingredients of the 'ndremmappi di Jenne, a sort of fresh pasta based on wheat flour mixed with bran. The pastry, obtained by mixing the dough with mild water, is rolled out and cut into rather large strips. The latter are put one onto the other and cut until you obtain small strips of 4-5 mm of length. Afterwards, a sauce made with oil, garlic, parsley, chili pepper, tomato sauce, and anchovies is added.

Further information

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Bees collect propolis from the buds of the plants and use it as a natural antiseptic to sterilize the beehive, to close eventual flowers inside the beehive, and to mummify the dead invaders they cannot carry out of the beehive. It has always been used...
Category: Honey
Savory is a pleasantly aromatic plant and is used both in cooking as a flavoring and in herbalism as a carminative (it hinders and removes intestinal gas). Savory has always been known since ancient times as an aphrodisiac. Modern medicine has confirmed...
Category: Honey
Extra-virgin olive oil with a green color tending towards opaque yellow. Light-medium ripe fruity and delicate taste, gentle with slightly bitter notes and more perceptible spicy notes in the end. Neither pesticides nor other chemical products are used,...
Category: Oil
The coloring is particular and the ecotype has been named after this feature: the bean is half white and half violaceous, as if the latter part was a hat (in Italian, cappello) covering the seed. The plant is creeping and its height, with indeterminate...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Seed produced in the agricultural holding, coming from a local ecotype: Ciavattone, of the family Papillonaceae, genus Phaseolus, and species Vulgaris L. Small Ciavattone bean is used both ripe and dry. It has a flat shape, white color, medium size: length...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Vallepietra Fagiolone (Ciavattone)
Local ecotype seed cultivated in agricultural holdings, belonging to the family Papillonaceae; genus Phaseolus; species Phaseolus coccineous. The plant, with a voluble stalk, is a creeping plant with a luxuriant flowering: the flowers are white and many....
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Bread that, also when made with white flour, can be preserved for several days thanks to the presence of the olives, releasing some of their oil content. It is prepared according to a centuries-old tradition. The family wood-burning oven was lit once...
Category: Bread
Bread with the characteristic sweetish taste, thin and crumbly crust, hazelnut brown color, and surface cuts. Inside, the soft part is white with more or less big holes. The ingredients include superfine flour and about 5% wholemeal flour, mashed potatoes...
Category: Bread
In the past, red pizza was prepared at home. The dressing was based on ripe tomatoes with garlic, celery, salted anchovies, and extra-virgin olive oil. Red pizza is flat and is prepared with leavened bread dough always dressed with tomato in pieces or...
Category: Bread
White Pizza
White pizza boasts a long tradition: it dates back to the time when bread was prepared at home. As a matter of fact, it is obtained from the same dough. Before baking bread, when the walls of the oven were very hot, embers were taken out and, after cleaning...
Category: Bread
Pork and horse lean meat, dried and aromatized with chili pepper, fennel seeds, garlic, rosemary, and white wine. The product has an irregular shape: stripes of different size going from bright red to dark brown. Usually packaged in food trays or bags....
Category: Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Beef obtained from cows eating fodder produced by the agricultural holding itself and grazing in summer mountain pastures from mid-spring to mid-autumn. During the stage following weaning and up to butchering, the animals can be bred with open or stall...
Category: Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Agostinella Corn
Agostinella Corn is an herbaceous species belonging to the family Graminaceae. When the ripening is complete, the seed is an orange caryopsis with vitreous fracture. The plant has an upright bearing with 150-190 cm of height (from the root collar); the...
Category: Rice Pasta and Cereals
Traditionally prepared in winter, as most cold cuts, the aromatic dry sausage is obtained from the processing of pork lean meat (side, shoulder, ham, and loin trimmings), from back fat or bacon. The medium-grain mixture, packed into natural bowels, is...
Category: Cold Cuts
Trimmings of shoulder, side, ham, loin, back fat, or bacon: these are the main ingredients coming from dry-fed heavy pigs with which dry sausages are prepared. These sausages mature for a period of 15-30 days in a cold store. Salted and flavored with...
Category: Cold Cuts
Triangular-shaped cold cut obtained from the pig's jowl. Red with white streaks, sometimes the fat part is pink. Taste from delicate to spicy savory. In some cases, aromatized with drying smoke or with specific smoking process.
Category: Cold Cuts
Pork liver sausage is a traditional sausage obtained from the processing of liver (no more than 50%), plucks, and trimmings of lean meat coming from head, jowl, and bacon. The meat comes from dry-fed national pigs, butchered when they reach 120-150 kilos....
Category: Cold Cuts
Cold cut obtained from rectangular-shaped pork underbelly; red color with white streaks; size from 1 - 2 kilos; maturation from 90 to 120 days. This bacon has two versions: classical and aromatized. Savory taste with marked aromatization in the aromatized...
Category: Cold Cuts
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