
Gateway of the three Parks

Art and nature

The last great work of Pietro Cascella is a town square in Apuan marble and sandstone, with a fountain in the middle, whose elements symbolise the three natural systems of the Apennines, the Apuan Alps, and the Ligurian Sea. The square is in Rometta, in the municipality of Fivizzano, where the two streams Rosaro and Lucido flow into one another, where road 63 passes, and where the railroad station to Garfagnana is located. A barycentric place, where an information point on the Apennines, Apuan Alps and Cinque Terre Parks welcomes and advises visitors arriving in Lunigiana. The square is conceived to accommodate the local market. At the information point, local products from Lunigiana and from the three Parks are also sold.

Location: Rometta Municipality: Fivizzano (MS) Region: Tuscany
(11081)The marble of Apuane and the water of the Apennines meet in the work of art
The marble of Apuane and the water of the Apennines meet in the work of art
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