Per i Turisti
Si accede alla Via dell’Amore su prenotazione scegliendo uno slot orario (00’, 15’, 30’, 45’) per un massimo di 100 persone ogni 15 minuti.
Il tempo massimo di percorrenza è di 30 minuti.
L'ingresso è da Riomaggiore (a sinistra uscendo dalla Stazione) e, in alta stagione, il percorso è a senso unico con uscita a Manarola.
Info Via dell'AMORE al link
The Via dell'Amolre is a promenade overlooking the sea that allows you to reach the village of Manarola from that of Riomaggiore, showing remarkable panoramic views. It was carved into the rock in the years 1926-1928, exploiting the acrobatic routes of the quarrymen who built the La Spezia-Genoa railway at the end of the 19th century. In the short section of the Batternara, the Via dell'Amore runs along the vault of the railway tunnel.
For Tourists
Access to the Via dell'Amore can be booked by choosing a time slot (00', 15', 30', 45') for a maximum of 100 people every 15 minutes.
The maximum journey time is 30 minutes.
The entrance is from Riomaggiore (on the left coming out of the station) and, in high season, the route is one-way with an exit at Manarola.
Visiting Hours and Tourist Facilities
Individual Tourists
Entrance to the Via dell'Amore can be purchased online and on site, exclusively through the purchase of the Cinque Terre Card Via dell'Amore or as an additional fee of € 10,00 applied to each type of Cinque Terre Card already purchased. For tourists staying in the accommodation facilities of the Municipality of Riomaggiore in possession of the resident tourist card (Guest Card) and staying in the facilities with the CETS Environmental Quality Mark (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism) the additional fee is € 8.00.
It is possible to purchase the Cinque Terre Card, which includes access to the Via dell'Amore:
Listen to the Via dell'Amore podcast
Via dell'Amore: Street View da Riomaggiore