
Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary

The Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary has been mentioned since 1248. Within the church there is a painting of the Virgin Mary which, according to the legend, was realized by St. Luke, but it is attributed to a Genoese school from the 14th century.
Holm oaks, cedars, horse chestnuts and Liguria's most ancient cypress (800 years old) cast a shadow over the square, where a spring pours out of picturesque masks.
The coronation ceremony dates back to 1853. Holy Mass celebrated every Sunday afternoon at 3.00 pm.

The "Festa del Cristo" takes place on the 2nd Sunday of May, when the holy Mass is celebrated.
The "Festa della Madonna del Reggio" is celebrated on the first Sunday of August with a Mass and a procession.
Since 1853, every 25 years, the effigy of Mary is brought to the village, where it is kept for a week, and then it is brought back to the Sanctuary with a solemn procession.

Further information

Municipality: Vernazza (SP) Region: Liguria
(26140)Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary
Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary
(26142)Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary
Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary
(26147)Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary
Nostra Signora di Reggio Sanctuary
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