
Parco Nazionale Dolomiti Bellunesi

Local Producers: Others


The Producers joining the Quality Charter, a bellflower as a guarantee

In order to promote the Park area, consisting of naturalistic and historical values, as well as cultural and human aspects, the project "Carta Qualità" was born: a series of criteria according to which the Park logo is awarded to the food and craftsmanship products and to the tourist services that can guarantee a minimum quality standard and the respect of fixed criteria of environmental safeguard.

Further information
Found 4 results (Sort order: Hospitality Pages > Zip Code > Locality > Typology > Producer)
Typology: Others
Locality: Feltre (BL)
  • Products:
  • Vegetables and Legumes
Typology: Others
Locality: Sedico (BL)
  • Products:
  • Liquors and Distilled beverages
Typology: Others
Locality: Belluno (BL)
  • Products:
  • Fruit
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