The History of Romagna-Tuscany
Specialties: History
Viale Acquacheta, 6
47010 San Benedetto in Alpe (FC)
Municipality: Portico e San Benedetto
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Tel. 349/7667400
E-mail: cv.sanbenedetto@parcoforestecasentinesi.itNatural evolution is linked to the history of man. The territory of the National Park is also strictly linked to man intervention. Visitors are asked to focus their curiosity on the perception of the traces left in the territory. Man left his traces on carved stones of castles and monasteries, while animals leave their traces in the forest and on the trees; these signs can be told and noticed. A section of the Center is dedicated to the recent history of the Protected Areas in Emilia-Romagna.